What is the General Plan?

The County of Hawai‘i’s General Plan is the blueprint that guides the long-term development of Hawai‘i Island. It considers the needs of the entire island, and provides a sound growth strategy that directs future opportunities related to land use, zoning amendments and capital expenditures. The General Plan strives to position Hawai‘i Island for economic progress while preserving the environment and strengthening community foundations. 

Hawai'i County General Plan Flow Chart, Community Development Plans Special Area Plans& Urban Plans, Functional Plans (Water, Wastewater, Transportation, Solid Waste, Parks & Recreation, Climate Action), Regulatory Measures (County Code, Administrative Rules), Permits, Capital Improvement Program Operating Budget



Community Development Plans

Special Area Plans

Functional Plans

Regulatory Measures

Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Operating Budget

Updated Process

General Plan Review Process - Phase 1: Comprehensive Review Initiated, Phase 2: Review Input & Prepare Recommended Amendments, Phase 3: Public Review of Initial Draft, Phase 4: Use Public Input to Prepare Recommended Plan, Phase 5: Public Review of Recommended Plan, Phase 6: Planning Commission Review, Phase 7: County Council Review & Action

Participate in the General Plan Comprehensive Review Process

Informational Presentation

Online Draft Review

Public Informational Workshops

Online Workshops

Roadshow Presentations

Informational Booths

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When did the comprehensive update process start?

What happened to the 2019 draft General Plan?

Will changes from the 2019 draft be shown?

How does the General Plan impact different parts of our island?

What revisions have been made to the Land Use Map and how will those be implemented?

How does the General Plan relate to the Zoning and Subdivision Code Update?

What is the General Plan adoption process?

What is the relationship between the GP and the Community Development Plans (CDPs)

Thank you for your participation
Long Range Planning Team